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Barbara Gowdy Recommends

The Green Hotel by Jesse Gilmour

The Green Hotel (2014)

(From From Quattro Books)

Set in Toronto’s seedy underbelly, The Green Hotel challenges our notions of ‘Toronto the good’. Rich in detail, the book engages us with gritty realism and a startling portrayal of a life steeped in sex, drugs and pyromania as a young man tries to cope with the anxiety of co-existing with a suicidal father. Despite the all-enveloping despair, the main character, through moments of deep reflection and self-awareness, manages to harvest some light from the darkness.

Jesse Gilmour

(From From Quattro Books)

Jesse Gilmour is a playwright and fiction author from Toronto. He is the subject of his father David Gilmour’s bestselling book, The Film Club. The Green Hotel is his first novel.