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Get Involved

Whether you’re part of an organization or just a good old-fashioned book lover, there have always been opportunities to get involved with The Word On The Street. Read below for the best ways to be a part of the biggest book and magazine festival in Canada.

The Word On The Street Festival offers a variety of work experience for volunteers who want to help us make this year’s festival a success. It’s a great opportunity to be part of one of the largest outdoor festivals in Lethbridge and to contribute to your community. There is plenty of work to be done! And it can’t be done without your help — we would be nothing without our dedicated and enthusiastic team of volunteers.

Sign up for shifts online now!

Please note, we will be holding a volunteer orientation on Tuesday, September 10th, 2024 at 6:30 pm, at the Main Branch Library in the Community Meeting Room.

Curious what you’ll be doing? Here’s what is involved:

Postering late August to mid-September

We’ll let you know when we have posters for you to post up around downtown and other parts of the city.  You’re committing to an hour or two of time, and a stack of twenty posters.


Prize bag assembly Thursday, September 19, 1:30 pm

Prize bag assembly: We need helping stuffing children’s prize bags for the scavenger hunt! We’ll be having a work bee on Thursday, September 15th at 1:30 pm at the Main Branch. We need 6-8 people to help out.


Site set-up  (10-15 Volunteers) Saturday, September 21, 8:00 – 11:00 am 

You will be involved with the set-up of:

  • Chairs and tables in exhibitor and author tents
  • Placing and hanging signs
  • Set-up of smaller canopy tents
  • Helping the Friends of the LPL bring out books for their display
  • other things as required

You’ll be given a map that will outline how many tables/chairs are needed in each tent as well as layouts of the tents and stages.


Exhibitor Set-up  (3-5 Volunteers) Saturday, September 21, 8:00-11:00 am

Your job is to guide exhibitors to their proper booth within the marketplace tents and help them carry items to their space if needed. We will also require some people to direct vehicles while exhibitors are unloading in order to ensure everyone’s safety. This is especially important in the food area as the food trucks/carts can get quite large. You will also be answering any questions they might have.


Information Tent  (6 Volunteers and 3 Staff)  Saturday, September 21,  Shift work: 10:00 am – 12:00 pm; 12:00 – 2:30 pm; 2:30 – 5:00 pm 

The information tent area will be marked on the Event Guide Map you will receive upon arrival. You will be paired with a Library staff member for these shifts. You’ll be responsible for:

  • Directing festival guests and answering questions about the schedule, map, authors, etc.
  • Handing out Event Guide programs, survey leaflets and scavenger hunt cards.
  • Getting festival guests prizes for the scavenger hunt and completed surveys.

Green Room  (3 Volunteers and  Staff)  Shift work: 10:00 am – 12:00 pm; 12:00 – 2:30 pm; 2:30 – 5:00 pm 

The green room is our hospitality and break space for presenters and volunteers. You will be paired with a Library staff member for these shifts.

You’ll be responsible for:

  • Checking in presenters and volunteers and answering questions about the schedule, map, etc.
  • Checking on food and drink, doing minor clean-up and tidying.
  • Being a friendly, welcoming presence.

Walkarounds and Crowd Counting  (8 Volunteers) Saturday, September 21, Shift work: 11:00 am – 2:00 pm; 2:00 – 5:00 pm 

You’ll be counting the crowd. The day of the festival you’ll be given a map that shows the different counting zones, as well as, a schedule of when you need to complete the counts. It is difficult to count a crowd of people, so just do your best. DO NOT count festival guests at the performance stage area.

Other tasks:

  • Encouraging festival guests to participate in upcoming author talks, workshops and activities.
  • Directing festival guests and answering their questions.
  • Handing out programs, survey leaflets and scavenger hunt cards.
  • Answer exhibitor questions and check in with them periodically to assess any needs.
  • Change overflowing garbage bags if necessary


Site Clean-Up  (10 – 15 Volunteers) Saturday, September 21,  5:00 – 7:00 pm

You will be involved with the clean-up and removal of:

  • Chairs and tables from tents
  • Signage
  • Smaller rented tents
  • Books from the Friends of the LPL Book Sale
  • other things as required